

Page history last edited by Mary Schmidt 9 years ago

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) for Advanced and Gifted Students


While most schools focus their initial MTSS work on meeting the needs of students who lack foundation skills necessary for academic success, it is imperative to remember that the MTSS framework is designed to meet the needs of ALL students. This includes the average student as well as the gifted, the at-risk, and the English language learner. The resources on this wiki will focus on ways we can meet the needs of the advanced and gifted through MTSS.


Course Requirements/Rubric

PowerPoint - Day 1

PowerPoint - Day 2


MTSS Resources

Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students Within an RtI Framework - article

Myths about Gifted

GT Myths chart

C4K MTSS Guiding Principles - activity

Collaborative Inquiry Questions

Collaborative Inquiry Questions expanded for gifted


Creating a Sense of Urgency

Fordham Study - "High-Achieving Students in the Era of NCLB"

Fordham Study - "Do High Flyers Maintain Their Altitude?"

Mind the (Other) Gap - Plucker

Talent on the Sidelines - Plucker


RtI Aligned Gifted Plan

Mosinee School District Gifted/Talented Plan of Service and Resource Guide: RtI Aligned - Mosinee, WI

GT Plan of Service windowpane


Developing Verbal Talent - Michael Clay Thompson

Accelerated and Enriched Learners

Progression toward Independent Learning Over Time - Carol Tomlinson

"Reading Instruction with Gifted and Talented Readers: A Series of Unfortunate Events or a Sequence of Auspicious Results?" by Patricia F. Wood

"RtI for Nurturing Giftedness"

5 A's Protocol

Differentiation for All Students vs. Differentiation for Gifted - Diane Heacox

Cluster Grouping Q & A

What Zone Am I In?

Karen Rogers' Research Synthesis

Parallel Curriculum PowerPoint from Jeanne Purcell


Differentiation for the Gifted - booklet


Bertie Kingore resources

     Comparing advanced student, gifted child, and creative thinker

     Matching Strategy to Need

     Strategies for Advanced Primary Readers


Inquiry Chart Activity

     Directions for activity

     Inquiry Chart

     "Developing the Potential of the Gifted Reader" - article

     "The Challenge: Meeting the Needs of Gifted Readers" - article

     "Meeting the Educational Needs of Young Gifted Readers in the Regular Classroom" - article

     "Call Me Ishmael: A Look at Gifted Middle School Readers" - article



Strong and Gifted Readers - checklists

Sousa Language Scale - from How the Gifted Brain Learns by David Sousa

Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students - Reading

Reading Interest-a-lyzer

Interest Assessments


Bloom's Revised Taxonomy

     A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy - article

     Bloom's poster

     Investigate a Book

     Revised Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Levels

     Bloom's Planning Sheet

     Questions to Guide Higher Order Thinking

     Using Bloom's to increase cognitive complexity - a webinar prepared for Heartland AEA Curriculum Network, Feb. 2010 

     The Unfortunate Consequences of Bloom's Taxonomy


Curriculum Compacting

     "Curriculum Compacting: A Necessity for Academic Advancement" - Del Siegle

     "Why Not Let Gifted Students Start School in January: The Curriculum Compacting Study" - NRC/GT

     Compacting PowerPoint

     The Compactor

     Replacement Activities

        sample: The Boy Who Loved Words

                         Max's Words



Tiered Assignments

     Diane Heacox article

     Tiered Curriculum Project

     "Critical Questions About Tiered Assignments" - Cheryll M. Adams

     Anatomy of a Tiered Lesson

     Tiered Assignment - sample

     Tiered Assignment - template

     Analyzing a Tiered Lesson


Vocabulary Development

     Blotz poems

     The Boy Who Loved Words

     Greek and Latin Roots

     Super Sentences

     Vocabulary for Gifted Students - from the Byrdseed Gifted blog


Divergent Questioning

     Divergent Questioning PowerPoint






     Mindset diagram

     "The Perils and Promises of Praise" - Carol Dweck

     Mindset Online


Web Resources

Center for Gifted Education

Tips for Scripting Readers Theater


Resource Articles

"Reading Instruction for Talented Readers: Case Studies Documenting Few Opportunities for Continuous Progress" - NRC/GT

"Gifted Readers and Reading Instruction" - Dr. David Levande

"Gifted Readers: Who Are They, and How Can They be Served in the Classroom?" - Andrea Vosslamber

"Overexcitabilities and the Gifted" - Article from SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of Gifted)

"Profiles of the Gifted" George Betts and Maureen Neihart

Profiles of Gifted .ppt

Research Synthesis on Gifted Provisions - Karen Rogers


Links to other Wikis

Gifted Readers - Link to Wiki page which includes book lists for gifted readers and additional articles

Monticello Wiki - Includes links to gifted blogs and web sites for replacement activity ideas

Dare to Differentiate


Action Planning form

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